I first drew this victim in 2014, but many studies have come out since that time that get more specific about what each feature looks like. I agreed to update the drawing this week. Instead of being a general sketch based on this basic skull, this is more individualized to the specific skull.
Helen was an unauthorized passenger in a semi truck in May 1991 when it was involved in an accident in Washington State. The driver was identified, but this individual still has not been. He could have picked her up anywhere along his route, which passed through MO, CO, WY, ID, OR, and in to WA.
She is believed to have been 5’1″ to 5’4″ and had scoliosis which may have caused her to walk with a limp. She was a Native American female. If you have any ideas who she might have been, please contact Det. Stacy Moate at WSP 425 401 7745 or stacy.moate@wsp.wa.gov.
Helen Doe with ponytail Helen Doe 2022