DNA Testing for the Mary Anderson case

King County Medical Examiner’s Office has teamed up with Othram Labs to try to raise funds to do DNA testing on the Mary Anderson case. They’d like to get a DNA profile on her so we can load it up to GEDmatch and do forensic genealogy on the kit. We think there’s a good chance […]
Washed Away Podcast

I did an interview over the phone with Ashley Smith a few weeks ago about some of my work with Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s unidentified cases. We spoke about the Precious Jane Doe case and about forensic art in general. Ashley posted an episode of her Washed Away podcast today that includes parts of our […]
Mary Anderson case

I recently did updated postmortem drawings on the Mary Anderson suicide case for King County ME. You can read about the case if you Google her, it’s been a big mystery for awhile. There’s now a podcast that Ashley Smith has done about the case called Washed Away. She interviewed my very talented friend and […]