Corona Girl Identified

Corona Girl has been identified! This ID was via DNA Doe Project. My colleagues on the team narrowed down the possibilities and found the ID just before Christmas while I was out of state, so I missed out on the excitement. When I returned to Texas, the ID had been confirmed through DNA testing with the family and Corona Girl is now IDed as Sue Ann Huskey from Sulfer Springs TX. Some of her family members came down to Georgetown for the press conference. One of her sisters said my drawing looked a lot like her sister except for the hair. She asked me to change the hairstyle, that Sue Ann had never worn her hair parted on the side. She asked that I change it to something resembling the style in the school photo, so this is the adjusted image. Only the hair has been changed from the original reconstruction. You can see what a difference a hairstyle makes when you see the two sketches side by side.