Age Progression

I was recently asked to do an age progression on a case from Kent Washington, my old agency. This is a missing person from April 9 2009. The victim is Alyssa McLemore. She was 21 when she disappeared, 5’1″ to 5’3″ and 130 lbs. She had brown eyes and black hair and was Native American. […]
Cowlitz County Unidentified

At the end of April, I did a couple of jobs for Cowlitz County Coroner’s Office. I cleaned up a couple of tattoos on a drowning victim so they could post clean versions on a media release to get a quick ID on the victim the next day, and I did a postmortem drawing on […]
Reading the Skull release info

Taylor Francis has advised my new book will be available for pre-order on September 7th and will ship after September 28th. I look forward to feedback on the advanced techniques that I’m illustrating!
Recent IDs

In the summer of 2023 I was notified of three identifications of individuals that I’d drawn in reconstructions. All three cases were IDed through genetic genealogy. DNA is taken from the remains and uploaded online to GEDMatch. When the individual has DNA in common with others who have uploaded their data, that individual is related […]
Reading the Skull

I’ve turned in the manuscript for my latest book, Reading the Skull, to my editor at Caliber Press. This book is for forensic artists working on unidentified remains cases. In the US, we have only basic information about drawing the features from the skull. I’d like to help artists who don’t do a lot of […]
Chelan County ID

April 8.2022 I received word today from the Chelan County Coroner Wayne Harris that my reconstruction led to an ID on this recent case. The Public Utility District that manages the parks and areas around the Columbia River saw my sketch and thought he was a homeless man they’d contacted several times about trespassing. Last […]