Case Study: Skull to Photo Comparison for Identification Purposes

Publishing April 2021 in the Journal of Forensic Identification In this case, the Clark County WA Medical Examiner had a victim of a house fire who was unidentified. The home owner was the probable victim but the Medical Examiner was unwilling to sign off on the victim without further confirmation of identification. There was no […]
The difference hair makes to a drawing

I was contacted by a friend of the victim on this Olympia case the other day. He was distressed by my reconstruction of his friend, saying my drawing didn’t resemble Mr. Moore at all. His friend had been a kind-hearted soul and he felt my drawing didn’t show that. It might be helpful to note […]
Unidentified Remains in Abandoned House

Remains found in the basement of an abandoned house in Seattle recently as the house was being demolished. Unknown how long he had been there. Contact Dr. Kathy Taylor at King County Medical Examiner if you have any idea who this might be. 206 731 3232. As always, hair length and style is always the […]
Island County WA Unidentified

Found drifting off Camano Island WA in October. WM 40 to 60 yoa. 5’8″, 151 lbs, dark hair. No obvious scars or tattoos. Appears he’d been in the water for some time. If you have any idea who he might be, please contact Robert Bishop with Island County Coroner’s Office at 360 679 7358 or […]
Olympia PD Unidentified Remains

This victim was found as skeletal remains near railroad tracks in Olympia Wa recently. It is believed he had been deceased less than a year. He’s probably between 30 and 50 years of age, Hispanic or Caucasian, and possibly homeless. The hair and facial hair are merely artist representations. None were found with the remains, […]
Echo Bay John Doe Identified

I did a 2D reconstruction from skeletal remains on this case in May for Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office. This man was recently IDed through DNA as a victim from British Columbia. His 80-year-old brother had reported him missing in 2018. I don’t believe he had any other family that would have been looking for […]