Snohomish County Unidentified Case
I recently finished an unidentified remains case for Snohomish County. They’ve posted it on their website Unidentified Remains | Snohomish County, WA – Official Website ( This was a 2D reconstruction with just a cranium as the only remains recovered, no mandible or other evidence. Very little information is available about this individual. Until DNA […]
Snohomish County ME updated image
I first drew this man in 2018 when it was believed he may be East Indian. DNA now shows his genetic profile as from North Atlantic, Baltic, and West Mediterranean regions; so Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office has asked me to update the drawing to reflect that. He was found in 1980 on the bank […]
Snohomish County unidentified
September 2020 unidentified remains found in Everett WA. Unknown ancestry male, 20s to 40s, 5’3″ to 5’9″. He had been killed and buried in the woods sometime in the past 30 years. His ancestry is ambiguous, possibly east Asian, Hispanic, Native American, or a mixed race. His dentition indicated an overbite of the type that […]
Echo Bay John Doe Identified
I did a 2D reconstruction from skeletal remains on this case in May for Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office. This man was recently IDed through DNA as a victim from British Columbia. His 80-year-old brother had reported him missing in 2018. I don’t believe he had any other family that would have been looking for […]
Washed Away Podcast
I did an interview over the phone with Ashley Smith a few weeks ago about some of my work with Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s unidentified cases. We spoke about the Precious Jane Doe case and about forensic art in general. Ashley posted an episode of her Washed Away podcast today that includes parts of our […]
Precious Jane Doe Identified
Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office has confirmed the identification of the female previously known as Precious Jane Doe who was found in south Everett August 14 1977. Barbara Rae Venter and the Firebird Forensics Group used genetic genealogy to find her relatives and DNA testing of her half-brother confirmed her identity. She is Elizabeth Ann […]