Helen Doe

I first drew this victim in 2014, but many studies have come out since that time that get more specific about what each feature looks like. I agreed to update the drawing this week. Instead of being a general sketch based on this basic skull, this is more individualized to the specific skull. Helen was […]
Chelan Co. WA Unidentified

This man was found drowned in the Columbia River in Chelan County in July. It’s likely he was homeless. No personal belongings were found. His teeth had been pulled, so I drew him toothless and also with the facial structure he’d have if he were wearing dentures. If you have any idea of his identity, […]
Snohomish County ME updated image

I first drew this man in 2018 when it was believed he may be East Indian. DNA now shows his genetic profile as from North Atlantic, Baltic, and West Mediterranean regions; so Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office has asked me to update the drawing to reflect that. He was found in 1980 on the bank […]
Lewis County Unidentified cases

Lewis County Medical Examiner’s Office just released the two reconstructions I did for them. They’ve set up a dedicated tip line for the cases, 360 740 3367. Both sets of remains were found this year in the county. The first (without the hoody) was found in Winlock March 2. He is a White or Hispanic […]
Yakima County Unidentified Remains

Recently finished this 2D reconstruction of a Native American female whose skeletal remains were found in Yakima County near the unincorporated town of Parker in 1988. She is believed to have been 30 to 39 years old, about 5 feet tall and less than 120 pounds. She was wearing lavender pants, long sleeved shirt with […]
60 Second Docs

Texas-based forensic artist Natalie Murry isn’t your typical artist – her work’s goal is practical and scientific, rather than aesthetic. Murry draws facial reconstructions from skeletal remains, typically using only a skull as her guide. Her art is critical in cases where people cannot be identified, and her age-progression work is reuniting families with their […]