Latest News From My Studio

Historical Cold Case
I did a 2D reconstruction on a really interesting historical case with Kane County Coroner’s Office in Illinois. The case started in

Age Progression
I was recently asked to do an age progression on a case from Kent Washington, my old agency. This is a missing

Snohomish County Unidentified Case
I recently finished an unidentified remains case for Snohomish County. They’ve posted it on their website Unidentified Remains | Snohomish County, WA

Cowlitz County Unidentified
At the end of April, I did a couple of jobs for Cowlitz County Coroner’s Office. I cleaned up a couple of

Reading the Skull release info
Taylor Francis has advised my new book will be available for pre-order on September 7th and will ship after September 28th. I

Recent IDs
In the summer of 2023 I was notified of three identifications of individuals that I’d drawn in reconstructions. All three cases were

Reading the Skull
I’ve turned in the manuscript for my latest book, Reading the Skull, to my editor at Caliber Press. This book is for

Chelan County ID
April 8.2022 I received word today from the Chelan County Coroner Wayne Harris that my reconstruction led to an ID on this

Helen Doe
I first drew this victim in 2014, but many studies have come out since that time that get more specific about what

Chelan Co. WA Unidentified
This man was found drowned in the Columbia River in Chelan County in July. It’s likely he was homeless. No personal belongings

Snohomish County ME updated image
I first drew this man in 2018 when it was believed he may be East Indian. DNA now shows his genetic profile

Lewis County Unidentified cases
Lewis County Medical Examiner’s Office just released the two reconstructions I did for them. They’ve set up a dedicated tip line for

Yakima County Unidentified Remains
Recently finished this 2D reconstruction of a Native American female whose skeletal remains were found in Yakima County near the unincorporated town

Snohomish County unidentified
September 2020 unidentified remains found in Everett WA. Unknown ancestry male, 20s to 40s, 5’3″ to 5’9″. He had been killed and

Snohomish County Case IDed
I did this reconstruction in March 2019 for Snohomish County ME. The unidentified victim had been found in 1980 in a river

DNA Testing for the Mary Anderson case
King County Medical Examiner’s Office has teamed up with Othram Labs to try to raise funds to do DNA testing on the

Issaquah WA 2017
Found March 23 2017 off I-90 outside Issaquah WA wearing red thermal long-sleeved shirt, black sweatshirt, dark gray fleece pants, black and

Seattle PD fall victim 2018
This unidentified man perished in a fall in Seattle in 2018. This is a postmortem image drawn from fleshed remains. If you

The difference hair makes to a drawing
I was contacted by a friend of the victim on this Olympia case the other day. He was distressed by my reconstruction

Unidentified Remains in Abandoned House
Remains found in the basement of an abandoned house in Seattle recently as the house was being demolished. Unknown how long he

Island County WA Unidentified
Found drifting off Camano Island WA in October. WM 40 to 60 yoa. 5’8″, 151 lbs, dark hair. No obvious scars or

Olympia PD Unidentified Remains
This victim was found as skeletal remains near railroad tracks in Olympia Wa recently. It is believed he had been deceased less

New image for Mercer Island Unidentified and ID on Clallam County Case
I finished this postmortem image for a Mercer Island PD case this week. It’s an Asian male in his 60s that washed

Echo Bay John Doe Identified
I did a 2D reconstruction from skeletal remains on this case in May for Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office. This man was

Washed Away Podcast
I did an interview over the phone with Ashley Smith a few weeks ago about some of my work with Snohomish County

Precious Jane Doe Identified
Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office has confirmed the identification of the female previously known as Precious Jane Doe who was found in

Salmon Bay Seattle Unidentified
I just completed a postmortem image of this man, who was found in Salmon Bay near Seattle. He was wearing a jacket

Mary Anderson case
I recently did updated postmortem drawings on the Mary Anderson suicide case for King County ME. You can read about the case

Will County Illinois cold case
The coroner’s office at Will County Illinois asked me to do a postmortem rendering from their 1968 cold case on this unidentified

Corona Girl Identified
Corona Girl has been identified! This ID was via DNA Doe Project. My colleagues on the team narrowed down the possibilities and

Corel Painter tutorial videos
Corel has released the series of tutorials I made for them that illustrates some methods that I use when drawing digitally. There

Unidentified remains homicide case from 1979 is one step closer to resolution
In April 2019, I joined the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office Cold Case Unit in Georgetown TX. Initially I had just offered to

Williamson County Cold Case Unit
In April, I started working with the Williamson County Cold Case Unit here in Georgetown TX as an investigator and forensic artist.

Snohomish County Unidentified Remains cases
I’ve recently finished 3 cases for Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office in Washington. This is the information on the cases. The first

Skagit County Unidentified
I recently completed a 2D reconstruction from unidentified remains for this Skagit County case. The victim was found in 1998 about 14

Possible Identification on Snohomish County Case
The Everett Herald posted an article on Sunday about this case that I reconstructed in September. The photos of the possible victim are a

Corel Webinar
My webinar with Corel is in two weeks. I’ll demonstrate how I do a 2D reconstruction on a skull with Painter, and

2D reconstruction for Snohomish County WA
I recently drew this case for Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office. In January 1978, a citizen found human skeletal remains in a

Corel Artist of the Month for November
Corel has asked me to be their Artist of the month for November. I’m honored, as they normally focus on animation and

Age Progression for Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International
In January, I was asked to do an age progression for a TV show in Lebanon. The missing child was three when

Digital Forensic Art Techniques
I continue to get questions through this website from forensic artists who want to know where they can learn to use digital

A Different Way to Use Forensic Art Skills
This past summer I was asked to use my forensic art knowledge and skills in a new way. It was not a

Seattle PD Reconstruction
This is the last reconstruction case I prepared and photographed in December at the King County Medical Examiner’s Office. This victim was

4th Reconstruction: Kitsap County
This is the fourth reconstruction from the group I prepped in December at the King County Medical Examiner’s Office. It’s a Kitsap

Wahkiakum County Reconstruction
Medical Examiner’s Office in December. Wahkiakum County Prosecutor/Coroner Dan Bigelow sent out the following press release: News Release: Facial Reconstruction of Wahkiakum

Pend Oreille County Case
The second case from King County Medical Examiner’s Office that I finished was one from the Northeastern-most county in Washington, Pend Oreille.

New Reconstructions
In December, I went to the King County Medical Examiner’s Office in Seattle and photographed five more cases from around the state.

Drawing Digital Composites
I’ve started putting together a few videos to help other police artists who may be thinking of starting to draw digitally. I’m

Two Homicides in Two Days
I’m posting this case without identifying the agency or state where the incidents took place, as the agency is not publishing these

Corel Painter 2017
Corel just released Painter 2017. I was fortunate to be involved in the beta testing team again this year, and they’ve come

Schuler School of Fine Art
I’ve just returned from six weeks in Baltimore at the Schuler School of Fine Art. Hans Schuler lived and worked as a

Seven New Reconstructions
These are the cases I did for Snohomish County and King County this month. Snohomish County is trying to get leads on

Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office
On April 7th, I went up to Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office. They’d like to clear up all of their unidentified remains

DNA Profile for Unidentified Remains Case
Washington’s Most Wanted has updated this case recently, advising a private firm has been able to extract a full DNA profile from

Corel Painter 2016 Beta Team
Over the past year, I’ve been honored to participate on the Corel Painter 2016 beta testing team. I use Painter for all

Two Identifications This Week
I spoke this week with Dr. Kathy Taylor, the King County Medical Examiner’s Office forensic anthropologist . She told me two cases

Journal of Forensic Identification Article
I wrote an article that is being published in the September/October issue of the Journal of Forensic Identification. The JFI is the

Unidentified Remains in Kent WA
2D Reconstruction A recent case of a female unidentified in the Seattle area. I’m still playing with different methods of adding tone.

Composite Practice…Black and White and Color
Messing around on the Cintiq this week, drawing a female since I don’t get much practice in that. Did her in black

Centennial IAI Conference
At the IAI conference this year, Don Stahl and I are co-hosting a day long workshop on Digital Drawing Techniques. Don will

New Wacom Article about my Classes
Wacom published a new article on their blog about the workshops I’m teaching this year in Scottsdale and San Marcos. The Scottsdale

Google+ Hangout with Wacom June 18th
I did a Google+ hangout with Techman Joe at Wacom. I had a great time, we had people all over the world

ID’ed within 2 Hours of Drawing
I did a composite with Kent PD on 04/03/2014 with a remote interview. The victim’s bike had been stolen as he sat

Wacom Articles
Here’s a link to the first of a few articles I’ve been doing with Wacom. We’ll also do a Google+ hangout after

2D Reconstruction of Cowlitz County’s Last Unidentified Remains Case
Dr. Kathy Taylor contacted me to advise that national media outlets were calling the King County Medical Examiner’s Office about Cowlitz County’s